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The Salesman

Not too busy, I hope.

Hey YOU.
Welcome to the world of dreams, fantasies and a distorted reality!
The world of the TV tube, your mind and your fantasy.
Where game shows let you win prizes beyond your financial dreams.
Where moneymakers lose millions in thirty seconds,
or make five time more, so it seems.

Maybe a present for your wife,
For your health, body, fitness and life.
A stereo for your room,
A TV, a video, or even a vacuum.
Such things are fanciful and nice,
So buy, buy, buy, and don’t think twice!
This offer is not designed to last,
It’s only today. NOW! For they WILL go fast!

Now, be your own director, and you’ll go far!
Or be in a band, playing drums or guitar!
For you can be anything you desire!
Buy a CD, a TV, or an electric fryer,
Or is sex something that delights you?
A mass orgy, a small group, or maybe just two?
The choice is yours; now can’t you see?
Or will one true love satisfy thee?

For the shops are always open to you,
With plenty of things for you to do.
So is there anything that you will need,
for your hearts sweat pleasure, or just your greed
your deepest fantasies from the corner of your head
your wishes, desires; your word is said.

Oh YOU, my boy, I nearly forgot to tell you one truth.
There are many hidden secrets within this booth.
For within this mysterious world of distorted biases,
We aim to teach you health, education and prejudices,
By throwing images toward your subconscious mind,
Of Big Bird, Mum and Dad, the dead and unsigned.
Now in the wars that destroy, and the plains that crash,
In the visions of birth, life, drugs and cash.
What do you really see within this TV,
But other lives glorified for the sake of publicity!?
Whether in birth or death, or in the people who win,
We all sit there blinded by this vision within.
For the subconncious overrules the control;
For prejudice and insecurity hide the crying call.

For traditions, you see, are very strong.
And in TV land, nothing can be wrong.
For your fantasies are here; your heart’s desires.
Is there anything else that you will require?

The visitor stumbles “Ah, Ah…… ye….. no. NO thanks!”

Oh well, farewell to you, I’m afraid.
Good-bye and good luck, and be on your way!